Intelligent Lives (2018) Poster

Intelligent Lives (2018) Subtitles

Chris Cooper

Intelligent Lives is a thought-provoking documentary film that follows the lives of three young adults with intellectual disabilities - Naieer, Micah, and Naomie - as they navigate the challenges of the education system and society at large. The film delves into the misconceptions and prejudices that people with disabilities face, and the struggles they encounter while striving for independence and acceptance. Naieer, a high school student with Down syndrome, dreams of attending college and pursuing a career in animation, but he faces numerous obstacles due to the limited support and resources available for students with disabilities. Micah, a college student with cerebral palsy, advocates for inclusive education and accessibility, but he confronts barriers that hinder his academic and social integration. Naomie, a young woman with autism, strives to find meaningful employment and build relationships, but she grapples with societal stigmas and the lack of opportunities for individuals with disabilities. As the film unfolds, the audience witnesses the resilience, determination, and intelligence of Naieer, Micah, and Naomie, challenging the conventional notions of intelligence and potential. Intelligent Lives sheds light on the importance of inclusive education, employment opportunities, and social inclusion for people with disabilities, emphasizing their capabilities and contributions to society. Through the personal stories and experiences of the protagonists, the film inspires empathy, understanding, and advocacy for the rights and dignity of individuals with intellectual disabilities.

    RATED: 8.3
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 2018-09-21
    DIRECTOR: Dan Habib